Source code for engine.main_board

from copy import deepcopy

from .sub_board import SubBoard
from .cell import Cell
from .gameplay import Player, MainBoardCoords, SubBoardCoords
from .gameplay import did_move_win
from .errors import MoveOutsideMainBoardError, MoveNotOnNextBoardError, \
    BoardNotFinishedError, MoveInFinishedBoardError, \

[docs]class MainBoard(object): """An Ultimate TicTacToe board, containing several SubBoards where players play When the board size is 3, the main board looks like this: :: | SubBoard 0,0 | SubBoard 0,1 | SubBoard 0,2 | | SubBoard 1,0 | SubBoard 1,1 | SubBoard 1,2 | | SubBoard 2,0 | SubBoard 2,1 | SubBoard 2,2 | Each SubBoard looks like this: :: | Cell 0,0 | Cell 0,1 | Cell 0,2 | | Cell 1,0 | Cell 1,1 | Cell 1,2 | | Cell 2,0 | Cell 2,1 | Cell 2,2 | """ def __init__(self, board_size: int = 3): if not board_size == 3: raise ValueError("Size must be 3 (for now)") self._board_size = board_size self._board = [ [SubBoard() for board_col in range(board_size)] for board_row in range(board_size) ] self._next_player = Player.NONE # type: Player self._sub_board_next_player_must_play = None # type: MainBoardCoords self._is_finished = False # type: bool self._winner = Player.NONE # type: Player @property def sub_board_next_player_must_play(self) -> MainBoardCoords: """The next board to play on. None if the next move can be on any board""" return self._sub_board_next_player_must_play @property def is_finished(self) -> bool: """Whether the board is finished (tied, won or lost)""" if self._is_finished: return True for row in self._board: for sub_board in row: if not sub_board.is_finished: return False return True @property def winner(self) -> Player: """The winner of the board if finished. Exception otherwise""" if not self.is_finished: raise BoardNotFinishedError return self._winner
[docs] def add_my_move(self, main_board_coords: MainBoardCoords, sub_board_coords: SubBoardCoords) -> 'MainBoard': """Adds your move to the specified sub-board Args: main_board_coords: The co-ordinates (row, column) of the SubBoard to play on move: The move (row, column) to make on the SubBoard Returns: A new MainBoard instance with the move applied """ return self._add_move(main_board_coords, sub_board_coords, Player.ME)
[docs] def add_opponent_move(self, main_board_coords: MainBoardCoords, sub_board_coords: SubBoardCoords) -> 'MainBoard': """Adds the opponent's move to the specified sub-board Args: main_board_coords: The co-ordinates (row, column) of the SubBoard to play on sub_board_coords: The move (row, column) to make on the SubBoard Returns: A new MainBoard instance with the move applied """ return self._add_move(main_board_coords, sub_board_coords, Player.OPPONENT)
[docs] def get_sub_board(self, main_board_coords: MainBoardCoords) -> SubBoard: row = main_board_coords.row col = main_board_coords.col return self._board[row][col]
[docs] def get_playable_coords(self) -> [MainBoardCoords]: """Returns all board co-ordinates that are valid for the next move. If the opponents previous move co-ordinates (according to the rules) restrict you to a single sub-board, then this will return only that board. If not, it will return all boards that are valid for moves. Returns Empty if board is finished. Returns: Array of valid board co-ordinates (Row, Col), e.g. [MainBoardCoords(2, 2),MainBoardCoords(1, 1)] """ if self.sub_board_next_player_must_play is not None: return [self.sub_board_next_player_must_play] else: if self.is_finished: return [] available_boards = [] for row_index in range(0, self._board_size): for col_index in range(0, self._board_size): if not self._board[row_index][col_index].is_finished: available_boards.append(MainBoardCoords(row_index, col_index)) return available_boards
[docs] def is_playing_on_sub_board_allowed(self, main_board_coords: MainBoardCoords): """Whether this is a valid board for the next move Args: main_board_coords: The co-ordinates (row, column) of the SubBoard to check """ if self.sub_board_next_player_must_play is None or \ self.sub_board_next_player_must_play == main_board_coords: return True return False
def __str__(self): """Returns a pretty printed representation of the main board""" pretty_printed = '' # TODO: Shouldn't access sub-board private var board_size = len(self._board) board_size_range = range(board_size) for (mb_idx, mb_row) in enumerate(self._board): for sub_board_row_num in board_size_range: for (sb_idx, sub_board) in enumerate(mb_row): for cell in sub_board._board[sub_board_row_num]: pretty_printed += str(cell) + ' ' # Print vertical separator - if not last sub_board if sb_idx < board_size - 1: pretty_printed += '| ' pretty_printed += '\n' # Print horizontal separators # Only if this is not the last row if mb_idx < board_size - 1: for (bm_idx, board_marker) in enumerate(board_size_range): for cell_marker in board_size_range: pretty_printed += '- ' if bm_idx < board_size - 1: pretty_printed += '| ' pretty_printed += '\n' return pretty_printed # Private functions def _add_move(self, main_board_coords, sub_board_coords, player) -> 'MainBoard': """Adds a move by a ultimate_ttt_player to a deep copy of the current board, returning the copy Args: main_board_coords: The location of the sub-board on the main board Returns: A new MainBoard instance with the move applied and all properties calculated """ if self._is_finished: raise MoveInFinishedBoardError(main_board_coords, player) if not self._is_board_in_bounds(main_board_coords): raise MoveOutsideMainBoardError(main_board_coords) if not self.is_playing_on_sub_board_allowed(main_board_coords): raise MoveNotOnNextBoardError(main_board_coords, self._sub_board_next_player_must_play) return self.copy_applying_move(main_board_coords, sub_board_coords, player)
[docs] def copy_applying_move(self, main_board_coords, sub_board_coords, player) -> 'MainBoard': # Apply the move to the sub board first to ensure it works try: updated_sub_board = self._board[main_board_coords.row][main_board_coords.col] \ .add_move(sub_board_coords, player) except MoveInPlayedCellError as e: raise MoveInPlayedCellError(player, sub_board_coords, main_board_coords) from e # Copy the board so we can update it # Maybe this should all go in the constructor/classmethod updated_main_board = deepcopy(self) updated_main_board._board[main_board_coords.row][main_board_coords.col] = updated_sub_board # Check that the next board to play is not finished if not updated_main_board._board[sub_board_coords.row][sub_board_coords.col].is_finished: updated_main_board._sub_board_next_player_must_play = MainBoardCoords(sub_board_coords.row, sub_board_coords.col) else: updated_main_board._sub_board_next_player_must_play = None # Convert to board of cells format so we can reuse check logic cell_board = updated_main_board._as_cell_board() if did_move_win(cell_board, main_board_coords, player): updated_main_board._is_finished = True updated_main_board._winner = player return updated_main_board
def _as_cell_board(self) -> [[Cell]]: """Returns this main board in the form of a board of cells Each cell represents a sub-board of this board, with `cell.played_by` set to the ultimate_ttt_player that won the board (Player.NONE if tied) """ return [[Cell(sub_board.winner) if sub_board.is_finished else Cell(Player.NONE) for sub_board in row] for row in self._board] def _is_board_in_bounds(self, coords) -> bool: """Checks whether the given move is inside the boundaries of the main board Args: coords: The coords of the intended sub-board Returns: True if the move is within the bounds of the main board, False otherwise """ if 0 <= coords.row < len(self._board) and 0 <= coords.col < len(self._board): return True return False def __iter__(self): return self._board.__iter__() def __getitem__(self, key): return self._board[key]